Overview for
It goes unsaid that the internet evolves at a rapid pace. Software is very flexible and on the web you can keep on upgrading continuously. It is, however, not immune to history and decisions made in the past. Many traditional Content Management Systems still focus on big releases, just like traditional desktop software has for decades.
Over ten years ago there was big hype around outsourcing. It seemed like all the things that could be done half way around the world for a fraction of the cost would be. I did think of this and even bought and read an excellent book, My Job Went To India (And All I Got Was This Lousy Book), from Chad Fowler.
As a web developer I did feel quite comfortable that the industry was too dynamic, quickly changing and "unspeccable" to be outsourced efficiently. In hindsight I was right, web development is still mostly done close to the client and it's still always chaos just hours before launch.
As silly as it sounds, there is even a rise of a Cult of Programming Artisans; supposedly hand crafting fine code and always searching for the elegant solution. Goddam hipsters.
But me? I don't feel as comfortable now as I did a decade ago.
Written by Jani Tarvainen on Friday July 31, 2015
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cms, google, seo, webdev, jobs
Search Engines are a very significant factor in many businesses today. Many companies will fail or succeed depending on their ranking on Bing, DuckDuckGo or Google. This has understandably created a whole industry of Search Engine Optimisation around it. Money talks.
But it's worth noting that SEO, like programming, isn't a tangible good that you can own - it's free as in experience. You can get far in SEO with common sense and understanding that the nature of hypertext.
Your content needs to be good, trusted and accessible.
eZ Publish Summer Camp and PHP Summer Camp are a joint event held in Croatia at the end of August (26. - 29.8.2015). There will be excellent professionals (and me) holding hands-on workshops about all things PHP, eCommerce, Content Management and whatnot.
If you're working in the PHP content management space (a fancy way of saying building websites with WordPress, Drupal, etc.) you've likely heard about Symfony. While it is just one part of a larger renaissance in the PHP community, it's probably the best known brand known to developers and business folk alike.
Using Symfony as a concept, however is quite ambiguous. Let's take a look at how three different content management tools have done just this.
Written by Jani Tarvainen on Sunday June 28, 2015
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php, hhvm, china, web, cms