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Update or create multiple languages at once using eZ Platform PHP API

It is possible to create or update content in multiple languages at once. There is one restriction: only one language can be set a version's language. This language is the one that will get a flag in the back office. However, you can set values in other languages for your attributes, using the setField method's third argument.

update multiple languages
// set one language for new version
$contentUpdateStruct->initialLanguageCode = 'fre-FR';
$contentUpdateStruct->setField( 'title', $newgermantitle, 'ger-DE' );
$contentUpdateStruct->setField( 'body', $newgermanbody, 'ger-DE' );
$contentUpdateStruct->setField( 'title', $newfrenchtitle );
$contentUpdateStruct->setField( 'body', $newfrenchbody );

This also works when creating new content with the contentUpdateStruct created with newContentCreateStruct.


Written by Jani Tarvainen on Thursday May 24, 2018
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