Symfony Finland
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Symfony has shipped with the Assetic front end component for a number of years. Assetic still does what it does, but in virtually every technology corner of the internet, the front end assets are nowadays built with Jav…
If you're just getting started with Symfony then you get bombarded with quite a few terms and concepts. Two of them are Controllers and Services. Controllers are quite straightforward in their actions (ha-ha) and simply…
In 2015 I had the chance of visiting different conferences focusing on specific CMSes: WordCamp Finland in May, eZ Summer Camp in August and DrupalCon in September. In each of the conferences it was striking how focused…
Asynchronous programming has become a synonym for high performance in server side web applications in the recent years. This is largely due to the rising popularity of JavaScript and Node.js, in which everything is asyn…
eZ Platform is a Content Management System built with the Symfony Full Stack framework. While this may be clear to developers who have worked with it; it maybe somewhat vague for the unitiated. Especially when compared …
Any complex piece of software needs to keep evolving to maintain it's relevancy. Symfony2 itself was instrumental in the popularisation of Dependency Injection and other cornerstones of contemporary PHP, but the world k…