Symfony Finland
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JavaScript has come to rule the web as of late. It's everywhere, powering things from the backend to the front end. One of the interesting things that have arrived is rendering the same exact code on the server and in t…
Today the world has evermore information created and consumed each passing day. Not only is content creation using tools like Instagram, YouTube and others booming, but we're also collecting more and more data using sen…
eZ Platform is a next generation Content Management System which went through a complete technical reboot in 2012-2015. With the first release of eZ Platform and the complimentary product, eZ Studio the system is now co…
Today the market is awash with options available for developers to consume content using the APIs. Some go as far as describing their offering as a CMS without the bad parts, where as some choose to provide content usin…
Way back in November 2014 the Symfony team introduced the ExpressionLanguage component. It is essentially a simplified version of control structures that you use in the Twig templating language, producing a single value…
The Symfony Framework is a web application framework. There are countless other options for doing the same thing, ranging from lightweight microframeworks to behemoths that include everything from their own ORM to a cus…