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Symfony Finland
Random things on PHP, Symfony and web development

Help mold the Symfony of Tomorrow

Any complex piece of software needs to keep evolving to maintain it's relevancy. Symfony2 itself was instrumental in the popularisation of Dependency Injection and other cornerstones of contemporary PHP, but the world keeps turning and Symfony needs to keep up.

The team working on Symfony might be a talented bunch, but with the amount of noise and abundance of technologies it's hard to try to choose a right direction and remain relevant. This is where anyone working with Symfony in some form or another can help.

By default it's quite hard, or even impossible, to distill useful insights on what is important and what is not from opinions coming in via conferences, Twitter, Github pull requests, tickets and rants.

This week Javier Eguiluz, the community manager and core team member working on Symfony reached out to the people on Twitter to get more feedback on what should be added to Symfony and what should be removed:

With these two questions you can help the devteam to focus on the things that are relevant. It's worth noting that this is not limited to code features, but general annoyances and lacking documentation and other things count just as well.

Forming an opinion on a single addition and removal can be quite tough. So just by coincidence (I guess) there was a new episode of the Sound of Symfony podcast this week.

The episode talks openly about the future of Symfony, PHP and the web in general and can unlock some ideas you may have wished that Symfony should pursue. So go ahead and listen to the podcast on the future of Symfony and then make your contribution with a two-field feedback form! :)

Links related to the subject:

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Saturday February 6, 2016
Permalink - Tags: symfony, php

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