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Symfony Finland
Random things on PHP, Symfony and web development

Symfony Finland

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The JavaScript language reboot is done

The year 2015 was pretty tiring in the JavaScript world. This was widely acknowledged and read to JavaScript Fatigue being “a thing" and there were memes on how hard it was to make a hello world in JavaScript. I also…

What is GraphQL and how does it differ from REST APIs?

The technology world is filled with hype spiced up with jargon. Each passing day there is a new technology that supercedes the previous one. For the last few years RESTful APIs have been the hottest thing. But today …

Symfony and JWT (JSON Web Token)

JSON Web Tokens are a relatively new method for authentication. JWT for short is an open standard for passing claims between parties in web application environments. Instead of relying on a cookie, applications can rely…

HTTP/2 server H2O hits version 2.0.0

The HTTP server H2O recently hit major milestone with version 2.0.0. The new release comes with new features and performance enhancements. This lightweight and optimised HTTP/2 server has now been powering this site sin…