Overview for
The LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) has been the mainstay of millions for web developers for well over a decade. But how is it doing and where is it going? Is calling it LAMP even valid any longer? Let's examine this by going through each of the letters in the acronym.
Written by Jani Tarvainen on Saturday October 24, 2015
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php, mysql, lamp, linux
PHP is a shared-nothing platform. This means that each time a request comes to your server your PHP application starts anew. PHP-PM is a way of running PHP in an alternative way, by maintaining a pool of PHP applications waiting for a request to come in.
NoSQL has been the darling of backend developers clamouring for high performance. NoSQL is fine for many uses, but many systems still use MySQL (or other relational databases) for data storage - and will continue to do so in the future.
Written by Jani Tarvainen on Wednesday October 21, 2015
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mysql, lamp, php, nosql, mongodb
eZ Platform is the Open Source Content Management Platform from eZ Systems. Previously known as eZ Publish, the first version of the new product was launched in December 2015. Thanks to the Symfony Full Stack approach it is immediately familiar to Symfony2 developers, while extending it with content management features.
Written by Jani Tarvainen on Monday October 12, 2015
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symfony, ezplatform, php, cms
Facebook as a company has become a major influence in lives of millions of developers. At first thought Facebook is the company which provides unstable APIs and annoying sharing widgets. But the work done by the Open Sourcing of internal products is changing this.
PHP has been around for a long time. During it's twenty year tenure of powering the web it has been used for a lot of things. PHP has been and continues to power a lot of ad-hoc, disposable web applications and quick turn around web sites.
In addition to this bulk of CMS work and quick hacks, PHP powers a lot of business critical applications. These tend to grow in complexity over time and many of these are 10+ years in age. As a language PHP has also matured along the way.
Today it is a perfectly viable option to gradually rewrite your application in modern PHP without the risky big bang rewrite. In fact, PHP is pretty much a perfect tool for this.
Written by Jani Tarvainen on Sunday September 20, 2015
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symfony, php, cms, legacy