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Symfony Finland
Random things on PHP, Symfony and web development

Overview for facebook

GraphQL with PHP and the Symfony Framework

GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook since 2012. In September 2015 Facebook released it to the public domain. GraphQL is essentially an alternative to REST and despite the name, it's not a Graph Database Query language like Cypher from the Neo4j project.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Saturday May 14, 2016
Permalink - Tags: symfony, graphql, php, facebook

BigPipe and the Symfony Framework

The Drupal 8 development team is doing great improvements to the product regarding HTTP caching. With validation tags, contexts and so on it feels familiar to people working with Symfony2 framework and the FOSHttpCacheBundle.

Another interesting addition is an adaptation of Facebook's BigPipe rendering strategy, which downloads HTML snippets in parallel for improved load times. Symfony2 as a HMVC framework can load bits asynchronously, but there is room to improve.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Saturday September 26, 2015
Permalink - Tags: esi, drupal, bigpipe, facebook, javascript, caching, puli