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Symfony Finland
Random things on PHP, Symfony and web development

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Symfony Benchmarks: Scaling PHP by adding CPU & RAM

In the previous article in this series we took a look at how different runtimes affect Symfony performance, by comparing PHP 5.6, HHVM 3.11 and PHP 7.0.1. The conclusion was that both HHVM and PHP 7 offer significant improvements in performance without adding server resources. In this article we'll look at how adding them affects performance.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Friday January 1, 2016
Permalink - Tags: php, php-fpm, ram, cpu, core, scaling, benchmark

Symfony Benchmarks: Introduction

Benchmarks are the mother of all click baits. They draw people like flies, create controversy and make people jump to conclusions. For raw computation such as video encoding benchmarks can be very effective at demonstrating differences between different technologies.

For the dynamic environment web applications run in, benchmarks rarely represent reality and are more or less synthetic. Yet web benchmarks have got their place to give ballpark figures of differences.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Saturday December 26, 2015
Permalink - Tags: symfony, php, mysql, hhvm, php7, benchmark

Testing React.js isomorphic rendering with php-v8js and the Symfony Microkernel

React.js is often thought of as as a front end technology. They can, however be rendered on the server side too - using JavaScript. This naturally turns the scale towards Node.js, but PHP with the v8js installation can handle it too.

Let's see how to merge together v8js and the Symfony Microkernel, making it possible to set the initial state of server rendered components using a PHP backend.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Saturday December 19, 2015
Permalink - Tags: react, javascript, v8, v8js, php, symfony

Introduction to React.js Components and Server Side Rendering in PHP

React is an interface library that is rapidly gaining ground. It can be considered as similar to what Angular and Ember, for example, are. As opposed to Angular and Ember React.js focuses on User Interfaces alone, being neutral on routing and other duties. React can also be rendered on the server side, which is not unique - but very natural to it.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Sunday December 13, 2015
Permalink - Tags: react, php, node, javascript