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Symfony Finland
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Symfony Finland

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AMP theme for Twig and Symfony

AMP, the Accelerated Mobile Pages is an alternative markup to traditional HTML. Released in October 2015, the technology continues to gain popularity. In 2018 content driven sites should definitely look into integrating…

Adding a GraphQL API to your Symfony Flex application

I've been using GraphQL for some API thingamajigs, and it's been working fine. Now with Symfony 4 out, I figured a write-up on how to use GraphQL with Symfony Flex could be useful for someone. We'll expand on a previ…

Four things I like about Symfony 4

Symfony 4 launches on November 30th 2017, some two years after the previous major release that was Symfony 3. Symfony 3 can be thought of as a stabilisation release with code cleanup, some new functionality and housekee…