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Symfony Finland
Random things on PHP, Symfony and web development

Symfony Finland

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PHP 7.1 vs 7.2 Benchmarks (with Docker and Symfony Flex)

PHP 7.2 will be launching soon, in fact it has already reached Release Candidate status. I was exploring Symfony Flex with Docker setup and thought I would do a quick round of tests to compare the differences in PHP 7.1…

Porting a Symfony 3 application to Flex

Earlier this year I did some experimenting with a Hybrid state object between Symfony Twig templates and front end JavaScript frameworks. Since that time I did that experiment, the Symfony Flex project has progressed. I…

My Symfony translations workflow in 2017

Translations continue to be a challenging topic in web applications. There are many methods, formats and terms for translating. While Symfony has quite a good set of translation tools, there are many formats and some go…