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Symfony Finland
Random things on PHP, Symfony and web development

Web Components will fulfil the promise of Modular XHTML

From all the foundation web technologies what browsers consume (HTML, CSS and JavaScript), the most resistant to change has without been HTML itself. We've had a movement towards XML standards with XHTML (only to be abandoned with HTML5), some new tags, etc. Still, in essence hypertext authoring is has remained largely the same for over two decades.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Sunday July 5, 2015
Permalink - Tags: web, components, html, html5, xhtml

How to expose your Routes and Translations to your Front End JavaScript in Symfony

As more and more processing is moving over to the client side you're more likely than ever to need to expose your back end resources via an API. The top of mind is application data, but you'll likely need to get endpoint URLs and translations as well. Or maybe you don't, but you should - manual maintenance is laboursome and error prone.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Thursday July 2, 2015
Permalink - Tags: symfony, php, javascript, api, i18n, l10n, php-fpm, ezplatform

Serving PHP on HTTP/2 with H2O and HHVM (Symfony, WordPress, Drupal...)

HTTP/2 as a protocol was locked down in February 2015 and published in the May of same year. It's the first major revamp of the most important (IMHO) protocol since 1999. It's no silver bullet, but the upgrade offers improvements that will make a big difference when applied in scale. Help save the planet (yes, really) and start deploying today!

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Monday June 22, 2015
Permalink - Tags: http, web, wordpress, drupal, php, http2, symfony, hhvm, php-fpm, h2o, nginx, apache