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Symfony Finland
Random things on PHP, Symfony and web development

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Open Source and the Content Creation Experience

I held a presentation on how shared code helps Content Management Systems focus on the essential. The specific case was focusing on Drupal 8 and Symfony. I first started creating the presentation with Shower, but decided to switch to a product I had never used before - Sway.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Saturday November 21, 2015
Permalink - Tags: cms, sway, javascript

BigPipe and the Symfony Framework

The Drupal 8 development team is doing great improvements to the product regarding HTTP caching. With validation tags, contexts and so on it feels familiar to people working with Symfony2 framework and the FOSHttpCacheBundle.

Another interesting addition is an adaptation of Facebook's BigPipe rendering strategy, which downloads HTML snippets in parallel for improved load times. Symfony2 as a HMVC framework can load bits asynchronously, but there is room to improve.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Saturday September 26, 2015
Permalink - Tags: esi, drupal, bigpipe, facebook, javascript, caching, puli

Leave a good legacy

The word legacy in the IT word almost exclusively negative connotations. Out of that context it is used more diversely. Consider the legacy left by individuals and organisations such Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Michael Jackson and the Greek and Roman Empires. The forementioned empires shed a lot of blood and caused misery, but they continue to live in our everyday lives after thousands of years. That is the power of legacy.

You can have good and bad legacy in IT as well. You could say that Windows ME was built on bad legacy where as Mac OS X was started on good legacy. But all of these have history behind them, just as the code you write today will have in the future. Most of your code is likely disposable, but it's still worth considering the legacy you leave.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Sunday September 6, 2015
Permalink - Tags: php, javascript, symfony, legacy