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Symfony Finland
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eZ Platform and a Graph Database?

eZ Systems has been working on a Content Management System with a rather complex content model for over 15 years. Traditionally this data has been stored in a relational database, supported by a Search Engine built with Solr. The new Solr implementation for eZ Platform was introduced at the eZ Publish Summer Camp 2015 by Petar Španja.

Some time after the session we discussed more details such as the decision to go with Solr and not ElasticSearch and one thing stuck with me. Would a mapping of the content repository to a Graph Database make sense? Is there a use case for it and how feasible would it be?

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Saturday August 29, 2015
Permalink - Tags: symfony, neo4j, ezplatform, ez, arangodb, orientdb