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Use the Sylius Flow Bundle to create stepped flows in Symfony applications

The Sylius Flow Bundle is a way of chaining together a series of actions to form custom eCommerce checkout processes or installation wizards commonly used for installing CMSes, for example.

This Symfony Bundle is one of the most widely used components of the Sylius eCommerce Framework for Symfony. In the case of Sylius, it is quite obviously mostly used for creating checkout flows in commerce applications. But as a decoupled functionality, it can be used creatively in other projects as well.

In terms specific to this bundle you will work with creating individual steps. These individual steps are then bound together in scenarios. This combination allows you to create a custom flow that enables you to build powerful multi-stepped actions around a standard framework.

Each of the steps have access to the parameters set within a a scenario as well as hooks for developers to call when a step is considered complete. This bundle can be used together with the powerful Symfony Form component for traditional page-to-page flows in a web application.

However, there is nothing stopping developers from using the Sylius Flow Bundle to enforce dependencies between steps in a program flow with rich single page applications built with Angular, React or maybe just a simple JSON Schema consuming form interface.

Learn more about the Sylius Flow Bundle from the SyliusFlowBundle Documentation and by viewing the source on GitHub.

Written by Jani Tarvainen on Sunday May 29, 2016
Permalink - Tags: symfony, sylius, php

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