Overview for
PHP is a shared-nothing platform. This means that each time a request comes to your server your PHP application starts anew. PHP-PM is a way of running PHP in an alternative way, by maintaining a pool of PHP applications waiting for a request to come in.
In the previous article I wrote about the refactoring effort done on the TYPO3 CMS. During the discussion I found this related video discussing two different approaches of refactoring a CMS tool. The video is from 2013 and offers great perspective on the situation today.
TYPO3 is a LAMP CMS that has been in development since 1998, with initial development done by Kasper Skårhøj in Denmark. Typo3 is often overshadowed by more popular projects such as WordPress and Drupal, but it continues to be very popular in German speaking countries.
Written by Jani Tarvainen on Sunday October 18, 2015
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cms, typo3, symfony, neos
HTTP/2 supports a feature called Server Push. This allows the server to send stylesheets, javascript and other assets to client browsers without separate requests.
Written by Jani Tarvainen on Sunday October 4, 2015
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http2, serverpush, symfony
The Standard Edition of the Symfony2 Framework has relied on a PHP asset management framework called Assetic. It has been around for quite a few years now and continues to serve static assets such as packaged CSS and JavaScript files. But is it relevant any longer?
PHP has been around for a long time. During it's twenty year tenure of powering the web it has been used for a lot of things. PHP has been and continues to power a lot of ad-hoc, disposable web applications and quick turn around web sites.
In addition to this bulk of CMS work and quick hacks, PHP powers a lot of business critical applications. These tend to grow in complexity over time and many of these are 10+ years in age. As a language PHP has also matured along the way.
Today it is a perfectly viable option to gradually rewrite your application in modern PHP without the risky big bang rewrite. In fact, PHP is pretty much a perfect tool for this.
Written by Jani Tarvainen on Sunday September 20, 2015
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symfony, php, cms, legacy