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Symfony Finland
Random things on PHP, Symfony and web development

Symfony Finland

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BigPipe and the Symfony Framework

The Drupal 8 development team is doing great improvements to the product regarding HTTP caching. With validation tags, contexts and so on it feels familiar to people working with Symfony2 framework and the FOSHttpCacheB…

Facebook is an Open Source Powerhouse

Facebook as a company has become a major influence in lives of millions of developers. At first thought Facebook is the company which provides unstable APIs and annoying sharing widgets. But the work done by the Open So…

Rewrite your legacy PHP apps in... PHP!

PHP has been around for a long time. During it's twenty year tenure of powering the web it has been used for a lot of things. PHP has been and continues to power a lot of ad-hoc, disposable web applications and quick tu…

Video: Symfony and Content Management

Content Management may appear simple to a layman, but when you end up working with multiple sites, multilingual, versioning, media assets and real user needs... it is not trivial. Symfony has been adopted by many popula…

Rendering Riot.js tags in Twig using Node.js

Twig is everywhere. eZ Platform, Bolt, Drupal 8 and other popular projects have adopted it. At the same time Node.js and Web Components have risen to popularity. This article discusses merging the popular PHP templating…

Pagekit is a Modern PHP CMS

A new Content Management System has joined the constantly growing group of LAMP CMSes using Symfony components as their base. Pagekit is a product built from scratch using modern technologies such as Vue.js, Symfony, We…